Favorite Day of the Year, 2021 Edition

Kevin Cohn
Nov 23, 2021


Canyonlands National Park, Utah; photo by the author

Today, the day before Thanksgiving, is my favorite day of the year. Each year I ask my team to share their favorite days of the year. It’s become a fun team-building tradition. Here are the results from this year (again omitting a fair number of people due to vacation, etc.):

  • Christmas Eve (10)
  • Saint Stephen’s Day (Boxing Day in some countries) (4)
  • Thanksgiving (3)
  • My birthday (2)
  • Christmas Day (2)
  • Day before Thanksgiving (2)
  • Easter (2)
  • Halloween (2)
  • Diwali
  • First child’s birthday
  • First day of school
  • First day of summer vacation*
  • Friday before Labor Day
  • Guru Nanak Dev Ji Gurpurab
  • Independence Day (July 4)
  • June Bank Holiday (first Monday of June)
  • Memorial Day
  • Saturday before Memorial Day
  • Saint Patrick’s Day
  • Summer Solstice

* This person takes a family vacation each summer.

Happy (day before) Thanksgiving!



Kevin Cohn

Chief Customer Officer at Brightflag. I write about issues relevant to and situations faced by SaaS companies as they scale.